Looking for something special or perhaps something you just can’t find in our store? Our worldwide sourcing network can find what you need and stock it for you.

Hardrrr BDSM - Request a Product

Hardrrr will source the equipment and products you’re looking for.

Whether it’s something specific you can’t find anywhere, it’s something you can’t find on our store, or it’s something very custom you’re after, the Hardrrr team can find it for you.

Our worldwide network of manufacturers and suppliers can deliver you Hardrrr products of any type.

Simply enter the details of what you’re looking for, we’ll find it, send you some options then give you the opportunity to buy it safely online through our store.

Get your Hardrrr fix on Instagram.

Head Office: Melbourne, Australia
APAC Warehouse: Tokyo, Japan
North America Warehouse: Charlotte, USA

Request a Product

    Kit with Pink BDSM Cuffs and Pink BDSM Hogtie

    You’re new to BDSM, interested in improving your abilities, skills and thresholds.

    Experienced BDSM

    You can handle the BDSM fundamentals, it’s time to expand your horizons.

    You do as you’re told, without hesitation. Fully committed, no barriers.